XC Therm offers thermal forecasts for 1354 regions in Europe. When buying a subscription you can either choose to subscribe to some or all available regions.
After buying your subscription, for limited subscriptions you can select freely from all available regions. You can adapt this selection 6 times afterwards.
More information and instructions: FAQ
The thermal overview shows the potential flight distance for each of the subscribed regions on the interactive map for 5 consecutive days starting from the current day.
The potential flight distance (PFD) of a region is calculated with the help of these parameters:
The detailed forecast is displayed by clicking on that region.
More information and instructions: FAQ
The detailed forecast for a region is available both as a chart and a text representation. In a 30-minute interval it informs about:
By clicking on any field, this field's explanation will be displayed.
More information and instructions: FAQ
High-resolution wind, cloud, and precipitation forecasts are the ideal basis for detailed planning of cross-country flights. We process the weather data specifically for hang paragliders and gliders.
Our ICON-EU and ICON-D2 forecasts can be used free of charge without subscription.
More information and instructions: FAQ
The thermal forecasts from the past are available to subscribers in the archive. They are a good tool for planning flights with the help of flights from the past.
The wind and cloud forecasts (ICON) are not part of the archive.
Our Expert subscription allows ambitious pilots to plan their flights to the last detail with TopTask.
Thermal forecasts for 5 regions of your choice
Thermal forecasts for 30 regions of your choice
Thermal forecasts for 1354 regions in Europe
Thermal forecasts for all of Europe and flight planning with TopTask